We are an open book. We want to be as transparent as a church as possible. We are very open with our goals and ambitions through Jesus Christ. Feel free to ask us anything you need.
It is our hopes that this pages answers any questions you may have. We want to make sure that you understand the personality of the church. We love God, love people, and would love for you to join us.
We exist to engage every person to find, love, and follow Jesus.
None of us were born Christians! Step one for every person is to FIND Jesus! He is not hard to find but you must have your eyes opened to your need for a Savior- because of the sin-problem we all have! “Your sins have separated you from your God," Jesus said, “I didn’t come to condemn the world but to save the world from sin!” He is the perfect “mediator” between God and Man. Our hope is every person finds Him and believes in Him as Savior from their sin! He offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who do.
His early disciples did more than just “accept” who Jesus was. They followed Him! They listened to His words, believed He was the Savior of the world, they conformed their lives to His teaching, and they did what He did. They loved & served others in selfless ways, they told people about Jesus, they met together for teaching and encouragement and they pointed those who connected with them to do the same.
Jesus wants a relationship with each of us! Loving Jesus is what those who come to Him can do! Loving Jesus starts with obeying what He teaches and moves us to enjoying His presence! It’s the first command, ”Love the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and strength!” Growing in your devotional life, worship experiences, contentment, and joy are all found as you Love Jesus more. Jesus offers friendship to His followers. Our opportunity is to learn how to walk with Him as Lord and friend!
Pastor Ben Meyers
Ben is a graduate of the U.S Naval Academy, and holds a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Ministry from Trinity Theological Seminary. He has been married for 40 years and has three children, and six grandchildren at the moment! Pastor Ben is an expert in relational health, and in his free time loves to spend time with family and go fishing with friends!
Novia Meyers
Women's Min. Director
Novia Meyers is our Women’s Ministry Director. Novia is married to our Lead Pastor Ben Meyers and has been a Christian for over 50 years! She is skilled at leading small groups, counseling & helping women on their faith and life journeys. Novia is a mother of three, and the grandmother of 6. Novia has a BS degree in journalism from the University of Hawaii.
Baycities KId's Coordinator
Stefany is our Baycities Kid's Coordinator. She organizes the teachers, the weekly studies, games and crafts that are part of the Sunday experience here at Baycities Lomita. Stefany is a long time Christian with orgganizing nd teaching gifts who loves kids and serving Jesus. Stefany is married to Charles Hempel, and they have two children, Kaiden and Kassidy who are part of our Youth Minestry here at Baycities Lomita. Kaiden also volunteers his time to the A/V department.
Assoc. Pastor
Ethan & Alex Michael
Ethan is our Assoc. Pastor and serves as our Youth Minister here at Baycities Lomita. Ethanis a 2015 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, and has risen to the rank of Captain. A celebrrated basketball player in High School and College, Ethan is a great teammate and leader. Ethan is also a gifted evangelist and teacher along with his wife Alex, they will lead our JH & HS ministry here at Baycities Lomita. Alex is a graduate of the University of Texas, Nursing Scholl, and seerved 5 years as a Navy Nurse. She has years of Young Life leadership experiencce. The Michaels' have two boys, Emmet & Maverick.
Growth Groups are key to building significant Christian relationships and growing closer to God. The majority of our groups are sermon-based, discussing the previous weekend's message.
Come and hang out at Youth Group! We have a ton of cool stuff going on like giant jenga, fun games, video games, ping pong, and much more! Plus you get to learn about Jesus and His plan for your life, and what you need to do to get ready to face life at college and/or in a career with your faith in Jesus staying strong!
We have a ton of fun things going on here. We get to learn about the life of Jesus and the Bible while often digging into some games and arts and crafts. Come join us on Sunday's at 10:00am.