Vacation Bible School (VBS) REGISTRATION

Thank you for registering your child for Bayciites Kids Vacation Bible School!  This years theme is... SCUBA!  An underwater adventure about diving into friendship with God!  

We'll be holding VBS from June 24-28th, 2024 on our Lomita Campus. 

Cost is $60 per child, or max. of $120 per family. 

Please fill out our registration form (on line) below and send in your fees by check or paypal on line.  Contact  Novia Meyers, our VBS Coordinator,  wiith questions. (  Preschoolers (ages 2-1/2 to 5yrs old) will be in one group for VBS,  and kids going into kindergarten thru 5th grades are the age ranges for our Elementary VBS age groups for this year. So we encourage you to  Sign-up your kids! 

We look forwarding to serving you and your family this summer!  God bless you!

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