Are you new here? Awesome, we are so very glad that you are visiting with us today. We hope that you enjoy your visit and would love to here from you. Feel free to give us a shout with anything you need.

Service Times




Our campus is located at:

2043 Lomita Blvd.

Lomita, CA 90717


Feel free to swing in and chat with us at anytime. We would love to talk with you!

About Us

We have a great staff of people that work together to give you the best experience possible. We strive to build an encouraging & upbeat enviornment for people to grow closer to God. 

Contact Us

We love hearing from you. Feel free to email us whenever you have a question or comment about anything that is going on around here. You can email about anything. Need to know more about our ministries? Or need to connect with the Pastor?  Give us a shout!



Growth Groups are key to building significant Christian relationships and growing closer to Jesus. We have groups for every station of life.  Come join our "New Community" group experience this Fall 2023 on Tuesday Nights at 6:30PM!


Come and hang out at Youth Group! We have a ton of cool stuff going on like making new friends, fun games, ping pong, and much more! Plus you get to learn about Jesus and His plan for your life, and prepare yourself for the challenges of college and career while keeping your faith in Jesus strong!  See you soon at IGNITE!


We have a ton of great things going on here. We get to learn about the life of Jesus, get connected to the Bible at an early age, and have fun making new friends.  You'll hide the Word of God in your heart by memorizing a Bible verse every month and get to reach into The Baycities' Pirates Treasure Chest for a well earned prize! Come join us on Sunday's at 10:00am!


When you walk on our campus we hope that you feel a rush of hope, peace, and joy. We are a group of individuals that are on fire for God and we are excited to spread the word.  It is our hope that you can experience everything that our service offers. We want you to engage in converstion. We want you to take advantage of our free coffee, bagels, and donuts! It is a mission of ours to give you the opportunity to learn about Jesus Christ is the most comfortable way possible. When you visit you can expect to learn about God and create loving relationships.


We exist to engage every person to find, follow, and love Jesus.



None of us were born Christians! Step one for every person is to FIND Jesus!  He is not hard to find but you must have your eyes opened to your need for a Savior- because of the sin-problem we all have!  “Your sins have separated you from your God," Jesus said, “I didn’t come to condemn the world but the save the world from sin!”  He is the perfect “mediator” between God and Man.  Our hope is every person finds Him and believes in Him as Savior from their sin!  He offers forgiveness and eternal life to all who do.


His early disciples did more than just “accept” who Jesus was. They followed Him!  They listened to His words, believed He was the Savior of the world, they conformed their lives to His teaching, and they did what He did. They loved & served others in selfless ways, they told people about Jesus, they met together for teaching and encouragement and they pointed those who connected with them to do the same.


Jesus wants a relationship with each of us! Loving Jesus is what those who come to Him can do!  Loving Jesus starts with obeying what He teaches and move us to enjoying His presence!  It’s the first command, ”Love the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and strength!” Growing in your devotional life, worship experiences, contentment, and joy are all found as you Love Jesus more. Jesus offers friendship to His followers.  Our opportunity is to learn how to walk with Him as Lord and friend!